How To Determine Proper Functionality Of Your Boiler, 5 Simple And Easy Methods
A boiler is an indispensable part of
modern-day houses in the urban and countryside. This appliance has way
more utility when the mercury drops to the colder side. Picturing a
house hold without a function boiler in the midst of winter, is anyone's
worse nightmare.
Hence, keeping your boiler in prime condition is essential for obtaining
peak performance out of it. Typically, boilers have an expiration date
of sorts. It is important to beware of signs that could indicate a dip
in the performance of your boiler. If you notice the following
indicators this can be a sign that the boiler requires some attention.
Deviation in Radiator Heating Time
Radiators are a critical component in the boiler arrangement. As per the
manufacturer's specifications, they hit maximum temperature relatively
quickly. The process of generating Heat is generally instantaneous.
If you notice deviation like slow temperature rise, there might be a
blockage or cold spot. This deviation is indicative of improper
functionality. Servicing your boiler annually can ensure the boiler is
operating correctly however, if you have multiple radiators that are
failing to heat up correctly, this may indicate a buildup of sludge and
require flush of the heating system to improve the efficacy of the
Change in Boiler Flame Color
blue flame indicates that the combustion is pure and free of
pollutants. When the flame color changes to yellow, it signifies that
your boiler is leaking out carbon monoxide. This toxic pollutant is a
colorless, odorless gas and can be fatal.
Inhaling this pollutant can lead to dangerous health conditions. Carbon
monoxide poisoning is evident from symptoms like fatigue, headache,
dizziness, and nauseous feeling. It is ideal to call a certified Gas
Safe Registered engineer to inspect your boiler unit for carbon monoxide
leakage. Under irreparable conditions, it is advisable to replace your
boiler unit.
Pungent and Unusual Odor
normally functioning boiler does not give off any odor. Any unusual and
bad smell needs immediate troubleshooting. A faint smell can indicate
leakage of carbon monoxide and is observable from the uneven burning of
the boiler.
the case of a more solid and pungent smell, there is a possibility that
specific boiler components might have burnt out. A thorough inspection
will give you the assessment for either replacing a few parts or the
entire boiler.
Increasing Energy Bills
An inefficient boiler can result in an alarming rise in your energy
bills. When the boiler ages, its efficiency decreases significantly, and
the functioning gets erratic. For proper assessment of efficiency,
check the ERP energy rating of the boiler. Boilers with the highest
rating are rated A with an efficiency of 90 percent. The least efficient
boilers are rated G, with an efficiency of 70 percent.
If you consider a G-rated boiler operating for more than 15 years, it is
probably overworked. Energy consumption gets on the higher side with
every frequent switching on and off operation of the boiler. Hence, you
will end up with a high energy bill. A replacement with an A-rated
boiler can help you put a curb on the rising energy bills.
Irregular Shutting Off
When your boiler develops a pattern of irregular switching off, it is
time for parameter checks. The switching off could result from a
low-pressure generation, a defect in the thermostat, or issues with the
A timely
inspection can determine the faulty operation of the components. There
might be a need to replace the parts or, in some cases, replace the
boiler altogether.
It is crucial to assess the condition of the boiler and its components
before opting for repair or replacement. It is often possible that a
minor fix can bring your boiler functionality back to normal. Always
make sure to get in touch with certified professional engineers to
assess your boiler issues. Home emergency covers can also come to your
aid in the problems with your boiler
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